Monday, January 26, 2009

Beginning Surgery

Angie and I are in the waiting room. I'm using her laptop. Curt and I got here at 8:30, and Angie came at 9:00. We were able to wait with him in the prep room. Dr. Downs came by about 10:30. He said he might raise his upper lip using the sling Dr. Wax used during the operation on September 2007. He will have to see when he gets in there. Curt has been in a lot of pain with his eye and around it - especially since he could not take any aspirin after last Tuesday in preparation for the surgery today. He has been taking a lot of oxycodone and Tylenol and not doing much. The oxycodone has some side effects he doesn't like. He finally went into surgery after 11. Dr. Downs said he thought he might be ready to go to Angie's about 5 o'clock. I will write more tonight.

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