Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31, 2007

Curt went to the Corvallis Cancer Center yesterday for his simulation but they postponed it until next week. Dr. McGowan still did not like the looks of the "muscle" behind his ear (which is gradually disappearing). She sent him to Dr. Stevens, an ENT doctor in Corvallis who came from OHSU and knows the doctors up there. Dr. Stevens "stuck a needle in the muscle" and cleaned out some "dried blood" from his ear. He thought the muscle looked okay and didn't find any infection. He did say to keep applying the Bacitracin. I continue to put an ointment in his eye at night and Artificial Tears during the day. The hydrocortisone seems to be working on the sores on this arm and back - at least they are not worse and seem better. He rode his bike to his office at OSU this afternoon for the first time.
We continue to thank you for all your support!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Dr. McGowan

Today we saw Dr. McGowan at the Samaritan Regional Cancer Center in Corvallis. She actually lives in Portland and commutes to Corvallis 3 days a week. She seemed young, but competent and answered lots of questions. She is still waiting for an MRI and information about his radiation treatment last year from OHSU, but thought the radiation would start in a couple weeks (mid November) and last for 7 weeks. It would actually be 35 treatments over this time. Since there are 3 holidays included in this time, the treatments would go into the second week of January. They don't want more than 2 days between each treatment, so there would be 3 weeks of 4 days of radiation on the holiday weeks. He is going in tomorrow morning for the setup and simulation. They will make a mesh mask for him to wear during the treatments. This will hold his head in place and will have the markings for treatments. Several people are involved in setting up the angles, dosages, etc.
The muscle behind his ear is not healed (still "sticking out" some) yet. We need to apply some more Bacitracin to part of it that looks a little "shiny" (to prevent infection). It could be another week or two for that to "go away" (they want it healed before starting treatments). He has gained a couple more pounds, and the doctor said it is important for him to keep up his nutrition (and not burn up too many calories) so that the radiation can work. She is also going to call our dentist to check on Curt's teeth and have him use a special toothpaste to protect his teeth. He can't shave on that side of his face after they start treatments either, but he will probably lose some hair there anyway. By the end of the treatments, his face will look sunburned on that side.
He also has a sore on his left elbow and a couple little ones on his back. Dr. McGowan called in a nurse practitioner who said it didn't look like shingles, but more like eczema or sores from lying on sheets in the hospital(?). They said to apply a hydrocortisone cream and watch them.

Joan and Curt

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dr. Holland

We just spent a long afternoon at OHSU - most of it waiting to see Dr. Holland. After filling out the paperwork, seeing the nurse (Curt is now "up" to 160 lbs.) and viewing a DVD, we met a Resident Assistant to Dr. Holland. After talking to her, she then took us to an examining room. Our appointment was at 1, and we finally saw Dr. Holland at 3:30. He said the radiation will be tricky. They have to avoid the area they radiated a year ago, but want to get as close as possible to that area. One reason they want to do radiation is that the tumor was very close (~1mm?) to the "anterior margin" (I think this is the area of the carotid artery where they could not take biopsy samples). They will also be radiating around the upper mandible (lower jaw bone) that is up by the ear. They had to remove part of this because of the tumor. Radiation will cause scars there and make it harder for Curt to open his mouth. So after talking to these doctors, Dr. Holland agreed to refer Curt to a radiation doctor in Corvallis he knows. He said she used to work at the University of Washington in Seattle and specialize in ENT radiation. When Dr. Holland called Corvallis, they said she had the day off but would probably agree to do this. So now we will wait to hear from her this week to set up an appointment. We learned there are 5 stages to radiation therapy. The first stage is Consultation - which we will probably have to do again with the Corvallis doctor. The next stages are 2. Set Up; 3. Simulation; 4. Treatment; and 5. Follow Up. Dr. Holland did say the treatment would probably be about 7 weeks. We're just not sure yet when Curt will reach that stage. After stopping at Angie and Jef's for supper, we didn't get home until about 8:30 tonight.
On the bright side, Curt continues to recover well and tries to walk more every day. His eye bothers him at times, so Dr. Gross said to put an ointment in it every night. Last Friday we both got our flu and pneumonia vaccines. Saturday night we went to a 1960's potluck before attending a Kingston Trio concert. Monday he walked to our dentist (over 1/2 mile each way) to get his teeth cleaned. That night he attended a SPRC meeting at church. He has been going to church and some other functions too. Tomorrow he plans on mowing the grass for the first time (we finally have gotten a few days of sunshine, but Gordon Reistad mowed a couple times between rainstorms earlier).
Thanks again for all your support!
Joan and Curt

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dr. Gross Followup

We just got back from OHSU in Portland. Gordon R. came off the driving range to drive us. Dr. Gross cut off the stitches from Dr. Delshaw's incision. The rest of the stitches on the other incisions will disappear. We were happy to learn we no longer have to smother them with Bacitracin or cover the protruding muscle behind his ear. He can actually wash his hair now (carefully) and shave around the incisions (carefully). The best news was that they did not find any cancer in the 45 lymph nodes they removed (I didn't know we had that many and that was just in this area!). The actual tumor was a little bigger than a golf ball (I think that included the tenacles it put out). Curt only weighs 159 lbs. now (I think I have gained his extra). He can actually bend over now but should still take it easy. Dr. Gross is going to set up an appointment with the radiation department at OHSU and start the radiation in about 3 weeks. Once it is set up, he can have it done in Corvallis. Curt will see Dr. Gross again around Thanksgiving. A few months after the radiation, he will have another PET scan.
The reason Gordon drove us at the last minute was because I am not feeling well. We enjoyed our weekend (Friday to Monday) with the Bakers and appreciated the chores they did for us. However, yesterday my throat started to hurt and then later I started to feel congested in my chest. This morning I lost my voice too and decided to go to Immediate Care. I had a chest x-ray because he "heard some things" while listening with his stethoscope. It didn't show anything. He also took a strep swab that was negative. They are culturing another sample for a couple days. Because I am "over 39" and because of Curt, he prescribed a 3 day antibiotic and cough medicine. I need to see my doctor for a followup in a couple weeks. He really thinks I "just" have a virus. I sure hope Curt doesn't get it.
Joan and Curt

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday, October 3

We just got back from Portland. A nurse practioner at OHSU removed the drain from his abdomen. Free at last! She said the incisions and muscle behind his ear look good. We ate lunch at Wong's Chinese buffet in Wilsonville and then looked for an external hard drive for our computer (didn't buy one) at Fry's. Curt slept a little both on the way up and home. He is now resting in his recliner. Luella H. brought us some soup and jello salad before we left this morning. I helped Curt with a shower (neck down) after I played tennis yesterday morning, and he enjoyed visiting with some friends. Judy M. brought him some gluten free cookies from our local GF bakery, and my bridge group brought some beautiful mums which we (I hope Curt) can eventually plant outdoors. We appreciate all the cards and messages we have received too!
Joan and Curt

Monday, October 1, 2007

We both enjoyed sleeping late this morning. We are getting caught up on some things and trying to take it easy today. Curt has started a 1000 piece puzzle. He rests in the recliner when he gets tired. We are going back to OHSU this Wednesday between 10 and 12 to have the drain removed from his abdomen. He will see Dr. Gross at OHSU on Tuesday, October 9, at 1:45. Curt said I could play tennis in the morning. I hope to practice bells Wednesday night for an hour and play next Sunday for both services. Angie's family we be here this weekend for a football game on Saturday and can stay with him then. Gordon Reistad is here now to mow the grass. The rest of the week looks rainy. I need to learn how to use the lawnmower. When I mowed the grass for my Dad, I used a push mower.