Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dr. Chui Followup

We finally talked to Dr. Chui again today. After the Tumor Board meeting on Monday, the doctors still agreed that the only thing they can do now is the chemotherapy. It would be up to Curt to decide how active he wants to remain during the therapy. Dr. Chui said the tumor is still very small, and he can probably wait 4 to 6 weeks before deciding. He could set up the treatment in 24 hours. It would take 2 to 3 months or more to see how affective the chemo would be and how tolerant Curt would be of the treatment. He encouraged us to get a second opinion. We have spent a couple hours trying to set something set up. When we called Sloan-Kettering in New York, they said their doctors do not have time to give second opinions to anyone outside their surrounding district. However, our doctor could call one of their doctors to discuss the case on the phone. Dr. Chui did not think this was a good idea. He thinks we need someone to look at the "raw data" of the case and give an opinion. Curt's doctor would be interpreting the information he discussed with another doctor. So Dr. Chui recommended contacting the University of California at San Francisco. We called UCSF and they asked for our doctor to Fax them the information and they would then contact us. So we cancelled the appointment with Dr. Chui on Monday and will wait to hear from UCSF now.
I forgot to mention that Curt is a little shorter than he thought. At his meeting with Dr. Chui on Monday they had him remove his shoes for his weight (156 lbs.) and height (5 ft. 9 in.).

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