Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bad News

We were surprised to get a call from Dr. Gross this afternoon about the results from the MRI and PET scan. He thinks (although he is not 100%) the cancer has returned near the trigeminal nerve (which was removed earlier) where the first cancer appeared. He has a message in to Dr. Delashaw (the neurosurgeon) about whether he thinks it is operable. Dr. Gross is not optimistic since they have both operated and radiated twice in that area already. Radiation is not an option because of all the radiation in that area that he has already received. There is no "textbook" chemotherapy for this type (or location) of cancer because it is so uncommon, but they could try something. Dr. Gross is going to talk to Dr. Holland about this. If they think nothing can be done, they will do all they can to improve his quality of life, and we should go on our tour of France. We will wait to see what they decide. Dr. Gross said he would call us on our cell phone this week since we will be gone (the coast 2 nights and at Bakers 2 nights). If we have not heard from him by Thursday, we are to call his office. We will let you know if we learn anything.


Corvallis First UMC said...

Wow! That is bad news...keeping you in my thoughts and

julie said...

sending lots of love, prayers and hope for good news to both of you.