Friday, February 8, 2008

Physical Therapy

Today we went to see the physical therapist about Curt's left shoulder - he has restriction when he lifts his arm. After taking several measurements, moving his arm around, and feeling around the area, the therapist agreed that some of his shoulder (especially in the back which involves some posture) and rotater cuff muscles had atrophied. The therapist gave him a couple stretchy things and we bought another stretchy thing for over the door for Curt to use in exercises at home. Curt has a protruding pouch on his stomach from the operation. When he mentioned this to the therapist, he told him how to reduce this by contracting his stomach muscles while lying on his back with his legs bent in order to strengthen the stomach muscles. Dr. Wax removed some of the rectus stomach muscle to put into his left cheek (this was inserted behind his left ear) to fill in where they removed his facial nerve, etc., during the surgery in September. Curt will see the therapist a couple times before we go to Arizona (assuming it is okay after his eye surgery next week) and then see him a couple times a week until March 21 after we return.

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